Code Of Ethics
NC Lottery Commission Code of Ethics
Purpose and Intent
Public confidence in the operation of the North Carolina Education Lottery (NC Lottery) is essential to fulfilling its mission as established in N.C.G.S. Ch. 18C. Such public confidence requires that the NC Lottery Commission (“the Commission”) and its membership conduct its business in a manner that demonstrates the highest ethical standards. In addition to Governor Easley’s Executive Order Number 1 (attached) and applicable statutory requirements including North CArolina General Stature Sec. 133-32, 14-234 this Code of Ethics is adopted by the Commission to provide standards to ensure its business is performed with honesty, integrity and fairness.
Conflict of Interest
Members of the Commission shall exercise the utmost good faith in conducting the business of the Commission. Members shall not knowingly engage in any activity that creates a conflict between their personal financial interest, the financial interest of any family member, or the interests of any business organization or group with which the member is associated, and their duties as a Commissioner. Members shall make every effort to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest. Commission members shall inform the Chairman of any situation that may raise a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest, and where conflict may exist, recuse themselves from voting on such matters.
Gifts and Entertainment
Members of the Commission and their immediate family shall not accept any thing of value, including, but not limited to gifts, meals, travel, or entertainment from any contractor or potential contractor to the NC Lottery any other potential interested parties seeking to do business with the NC Lottery.
The Commission shall conduct its business in conformance with the open meetings and public records laws of the state. Material communications between contractors or potential contractors and Commission members concerning the business of the Commission shall be made during lawfully noticed meetings of the Commission and its committees. Individual contacts with Commission members are specifically discouraged and the interested parties shall be referred to the full commission or appropriate committee for consideration of any questions and/or proposals. Communications protocols related to procurement of services, materials or other business shall be set forth in relevant request for proposals and shall be strictly followed. Commission members shall not disclose or use for their own personal gain any confidential information gained by virtue of their position as a Commission member.
Other Provisions
Commission members should also be aware of the following prohibitions:
- No ticket or share in any lottery game shall be purchased by, and no prize shall be paid to, a member of the Commission, the Director, or employee of the Commission, or to any spouse, parent, or child living in the same household as a person disqualified by this subsection. N.C.G.S. 18C-132 (i).
For a period of two (2) years following the expiration of his or her tenure, Commission members are prohibited from the following:
- Representing any vendor or lottery retailer before the Commission or Lottery staff;
- Participating in a contract or agreement with the NC Lottery in a managerial, entrepreneurial, or consulting capacity;
- Knowingly making, with the intent to influence, any communication to or appearance before any outside entity in connection with a particular matter in which the NC Lottery has a direct and substantial interest.