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6/25/2019 05:32 - Michael H.
At the risk of asking a stupid question where does the 12 digit number on the back of my ticket go? Thank youNC Lottery No question is stupid Michael! If you click the "Collect" icon in the app, you will see three tabs. One is to scan while the other two tabs are for Draw Game manual entry and scratch-off manual entry. There you can enter the 12 digit number to collect points. If you are on a desktop you can enter your tickets by going to your player dashboard and clicking on the "Collect" icon. This will let you enter the number that's on the back of the ticket to collect points.Hope this info helps!
6/24/2019 09:59 - Linda J.
What Code on the back of the scratch off?... I don't see a Code? NC LotteryHi Linda, Your 12 digit ticket number should be located on the back of your ticket just above the barcode. You can find photos of what we mean on the "Collect" page -- just click "Find Ticket Entry Code". https://rewards.nclottery.com/pia
6/23/2019 02:46 - darell eugene S.
Love this !
6/21/2019 07:47 - JIM B.
Lived out there for a year and absolutely loved it! Would love to go back. Cannot for the life of me figure out why I didn't stay. Time to go buy a couple tickets. Figure 5 draws ought to do it!
6/21/2019 08:22 - Ricky S.
Wow, scratch-off has been out for 17 days and none of the top 4 prizes has been won yet. Can you say over-produced?NC Lottery Hi Ricky, Since we don’t know when or where a winning ticket might pop up it can sometimes be claimed quickly and other times it takes a little longer. For all we know someone has already scratched off a top prize but hasn't claimed it yet. We never know until the lucky ticketholder shows up at HQ. :-)
6/21/2019 08:16 - Ricky S.
Wife and I have been to Vegas three times. Awesome place. Tables and buffet are cheaper than Atlantic City.
6/20/2019 08:03 - Tatiana D.
It is very good and fun ticket and great second chance prize. Taking a trip is always nice, and I have never been in Las Vegas.But I think you didn't give us enough time for the first second chance drawing. The game started less than a month ago. NC Lottery Hi Tatiana, We create Second Chance drawings to last as long as the game lasts. For this promotion there are 3 drawings, the 1st and 2nd drawing dates are set but the 3rd is not to give players time to enter! Hope this information helps.
6/20/2019 07:49 - PAMELA W.
Never travel To Vegas
6/20/2019 06:38 - Elijah P.
This would be really .Haven't. Never had a opportunity like this for me and wife.Even after 21years of marriage.
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