When you buy a lottery ticket, you help raise money for education and thanks to your play a new state-of-the-art school opens this month in Jones County, a small rural community in Eastern North Carolina.
The new school campus has 41 classrooms filled with the latest classroom technology and secured with the latest safety features.
Families there have dreamed about a new school for their children for years. The campus provides a new home to Trenton Elementary School and Jones County Senior High.
They joined students, teachers, principals, and local and state officials to celebrate the opening of the new school in a ribbon-cutting ceremony Monday.
“It’s not just about brick and mortar,” said Jones County School Superintendent Michael Bracy at Monday’s ceremony. “It’s about how we create this learning environment that makes our students have this opportunity that they will never forget, and such a positive opportunity.”
When the new school year starts later this month, about 750 students will go back to school in classrooms equipped with the latest technology for learning. A long, open corridor with glass walls extends across the front of the 123,000 square-foot building with three wings housing separately elementary, middle, and high school students branching off to the rear. The campus also includes four science labs, four collaborative spaces, and six exploratory classrooms.
The Education Lottery, which raised $15 million to help build the new school, is proud to have played a part in making the dreams of Jones County families come true.
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