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Red Ball drawn in Wednesday night’s Pick 3 drawing

October 15, 2020 Posted by NC Lottery at 9:11 AM

Hurray for Pick 3 players!

The Red Ball was drawn during Wednesday night’s Pick 3 drawing. This means you had two chances to win.

So, be sure to check your numbers closely. Remember—the Double Draw is guaranteed to occur once every seven days.

Double Draw Results!

  • First chance: 5-8-9. 1,144 tickets won a total of $160,824 in cash prizes.
  • Second chance: The Double Draw: 7-5-5. 904 tickets won a total of $164,723 in cash prizes.

Because the Red Ball was drawn, the Double Draw machine has been reset. Thursday night’s drawing will have six white balls and one red.

Double Draw could occur any night of the month in our Pick 3 game. Our fingers are crossed for you!


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10/18/2020 10:58 - William D.

understand the frustration when you can see between the cracks and see clerks checking out the tickets before you get them. Suggest that the machine be in plain sight so the customers can actually see the tickets coming out. a lot of retailers have the machine hidden behind the tickets and can not be seen. When i see this i start going to other stores. i go to different towns just to sight see and have some stores that USED TO BE my go to stores...NC Lottery
Thanks for sharing your suggestions, William. In most stores where lottery tickets are sold, you should be able to see the ticket bring printed from the lottery terminal. The retailer should hand the ticket immediately to you. You can then check the date and time printed on every ticket. You also have the option of purchasing your tickets directly from a vending machine as well!

10/16/2020 08:29 - Sharonda M.

I can't wait for my big WIN day I claim it I love to play all games on/ offline and I hit the little wins I be excited so imagine once I hit BIG BIG Bucks!!!$

10/16/2020 09:35 - Candace S.

I don't understand how this works. :/ I bouth the NC PowerBall ticket. Now there's something about a second drawing but there are only 3 numbers :/ NC Lottery
Hi Candace, This is referring to the game Pick 3 - this game is unrelated to Powerball. To participate in this promotion, you will need to purchase a Pick 3 ticket for an evening drawing in October. You can learn more about the promotion here: https://nclottery.com/NewsBlogDetails/2020/9/30/Double-Draw-brings-double-the-fun-for-Pick-3

10/16/2020 08:40 - Angela A.

Hello, NCEL I have a super idea for you all to excite the pick 3 players. How about a RED,GREEN, BALL Combo. Put one RED BALL and one GREEN BALL and five WHITE BALLS and if either COLORED BALL is picked then it resets, but the RED BALL = Double Draw and GREEN BALL = Double PAY. Let's really create some excitement NCEL!NC Lottery
Thanks for the great suggestion, Angela! We will pass it along to the folks who create our games and special promotions.

10/15/2020 10:16 - Herman S.

Hello Burnell H: Thanks for the heads-up on 517 and 123. Those are dates my family members were born on. Sure can do with some of relief winnings. Good Luck all.

10/15/2020 11:23 - Marvin B.

Was there a mix up on the Pick 4 last night I thought it was 0665NC Lottery
Hey Marvin, No mix-ups here! The winning numbers from last night's Pick 4 drawing were 0-5-8-1. You can watch a video of the drawing here: https://www.wral.com/evening-pick-3-pick-4-and-cash-5/1075494/

10/15/2020 11:23 - Burnell H.

I will hit before the month is over, here is a little help from me. (517) (123) (4784) 3, 9, 12, 32, 42 (16)PB, MB. Remember to send me 10% if you win. Good luck!!

10/15/2020 10:12 - carolyn b.

Hi Carolyn, They were sold in Hoke and Orange Counties.

Buy, Scan, and Check tickets with the NC Lottery Official Mobile App.