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Try your luck on our new BIGGER SPIN game!

September 6, 2021 Posted by NC Lottery at 9:28 AM

Are you ready to win BIGGER?

Remember the BIG SPIN game two years ago with a chance to win $500,000 on a giant prize wheel? Now we have the BIGGER SPIN game with a $2 million prize on the wheel. Yep. That’s four times bigger.

The new $10 ticket offers six BIGGER SPIN prizes. Five will be won instantly, and a sixth will be the grand prize in a second-chance drawing.

If you win a chance at the prize wheel, you’ll be heading to Raleigh to take part in a live event by spinning a giant prize wheel. You’re guaranteed to win at least $400,000 but could win the $2 million. A hotel night stay in Raleigh and $100 in spending money are covered by the lottery, too.

We’ll host the first event on Facebook Live. At the event, before the winner takes a turn on the prize wheel, you can comment on the Facebook live stream for a chance to win your own pack of $10 BIGGER SPIN scratch-offs.

The game also offers bigger prizes than those that could be won instantly previously, including five $200,000 instant prizes − twice as much as before − and others ranging from $10 to $50,000.

To enter into the BIGGER SPIN Second Chance Drawing Promotion, just enter your BIGGER SPIN tickets into your Lucke-Rewards account for your chance to win. Get more info here.

Our fingers are crossed for you!


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2/24/2022 11:08 - Kerri T.

Blessed with a big spin $150 AmenNC Lottery
Congrats on the win, Kerri!

1/20/2022 12:00 - Leigh W.

How do I enter my spin codeNC Lottery
Hi there, Leigh! You can enter your spin code at https://ncbiggerspin.com. Good luck!

1/10/2022 07:51 - Nona F.

I have been playing The Bigger Spin for a few months but still no date for the second chance drawing? When will the draw date be determined? ThanksNC Lottery
Hi Nona! The Bigger Spin Second Chance draw date will be determined and announced once we have more winners for the top prizes - this will give everyone a chance to play for the chance for a Bigger Spin!

11/24/2021 09:38 - Tonya M.

Hi..I have entered several 2nd chance scratch for Colossal and I would like to use my points on the games you have available but having trouble finding them..NC Lottery
Hi Tonya, thanks for the question! Typically when you enter a ticket with a Second Chance promotion, it will be automatically entered into the Second Chance drawing that is associated with that ticket. If you have accumulated some Lucke-Rewards points, then you can enter them into the Lucke-Rewards drawing of your choice. Here is a link to the Lucke-Rewards drawings that are currently available to enter: https://nclottery.com/Rewards. If you need any help, you can also call Online Play customer support at 866-934-0289. Good luck!

11/20/2021 08:16 - Eric W.

How to find bigger spin acount NC Lottery
Hi Eric, are you trying to enter a Bigger Spin ticket into your Lucke Rewards account? If so, please click on the link belowhttps://nclottery.com/RewardsTicketEntry If you are trying to enter a code then please visit: ncbiggerspin.com

10/28/2021 10:57 - Dawn C.

I can't seem to figure out where to enter the code for the Bigger Spin second chance .NC Lottery
Hi, Dawn, thanks for reaching out! To enter for the Bigger Spin Second Chance drawing, enter your Bigger Spin scratch-off into your Lucke-Rewards account! Visit this page here: https://nclottery.com/RewardsTicketEntry and enter the numbers as prompted, and this should enter you in the drawing. Hope this helps!

10/26/2021 02:09 - Tina P.

I was able to submit codes at www.biggerspin.com today and won $50. Very thankful for the winnings and sad because I had trouble with website when I first tried submitting codes. Thanks so much NC Lottery ??NC Lottery
Congrats on the win, Tina!

10/21/2021 08:49 - Regina r.

Great opportunity! Hope I win! Thank you Nc Lottery!

10/05/2021 09:24 - Enrique S.

My Fingers and Arms and Legs are all crossed for a chance to win. Want to pay off all my student loans.NC Lottery
Good luck, Enrique!

10/03/2021 02:51 - Ella L.

Hate to be so dumb butg I am having a problem with getting results with my big spin ticket.NC Lottery
Thanks for reaching out Ella! Can you describe the problem you're experiencing? We would be happy to help. Feel free to comment back in this thread, call our support team at 1-855-767-1863, or reach out to us at https://nclottery.com/Help for assistance.

9/19/2021 11:41 - Victoria I.

Can’t get my location confirmed that I’m in NCNC Lottery
Sorry about that, Victoria. Geolocation technology is used to determine your location at the time of checkout. There are some circumstances where it is not certain you are in North Carolina. This includes using a wireless network connection, including 3G/4G data, Mi-Fi or cellular Wi-Fi hotspots. This could also include, if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) is located out of state, or is showing out of state. If the issue persists, please call our online support team at 1-855-767-1863.

9/17/2021 06:27 - Rita H.

Question, once you spin the wheel on line and it stops on bigger spin have you qualified at this point for the live spin, or do you have to get bigger spin again during the bigger spin (second spin)? Is there actually a prize that says bigger spin live as well as the monetary amount prizes that you win? NC Lottery
Hi Rita, thanks for asking. I apologize if this game has been a bit confusing. When you spin the wheel the first time, when the wheel stops your prize will be displayed or land on BIGGER, which allows you to spin again for larger prizes. Prizes range from $50 to $50,000 or a BIGGER SPIN. If the animated wheel lands on BIGGER SPIN, you qualify for the THE BIGGER SPIN LIVE event in Raleigh. If you aren't sure, you can always scan your ticket or bring it in to determine the prize. When scanned, the ticket itself will reveal the same prize as the online spin game. The online game is just for extra entertainment. Good luck!

9/14/2021 02:57 - Andrea S.

I've gotten the "SPINS" winner symbols on 2 tickets so far and won $50 on each 1, hope I get to go for a Bigger Spin!NC Lottery
Congrats on the wins, Andrea! Good luck!

9/12/2021 10:13 - Denise W.

It want let me enter second chance drawing for Big Spin I just want to enter my codesNC Lottery
Hi Denise, sorry about the technical difficulties. Sometimes when Rewards ticket entry will not work it means that you need to update to the newest version of the app. If you already have the newest version then you can also try deleting and reinstalling the app. If this doesn't help, please call Online Play Customer Service at 866-934-0289.

9/11/2021 02:15 - phyllis b.

I hope I win

9/11/2021 01:12 - cora w.

where do i enter spin prize code? NC Lottery
Hi Cora, Reveal a “Wheel” symbol, go to www.ncbiggerspin.com to spin the wheel and reveal your prize! I hope this helps.

9/10/2021 02:37 - Charles H.

I'm willing to bet that the first person to spin the wheel will be either from Wake county, a retired postal worker or school teacher.

9/07/2021 10:49 - lori j.

So much fun

9/07/2021 07:24 - lefaye d.

Love this game !!

9/07/2021 11:56 - Brandi B.

I really enjoy the crosswords, however I believe this may be a new "favorite" for me.. Im fixing to get my 1st ticket. Fingers crossed, Good luck to me!!NC Lottery
Good luck, Brandi! Thank you for being a fan of the lottery.

9/07/2021 09:32 - William D.

normally play cash 5 daily and sometimes a few pick 3. curious about the 50% more on the keno don't understand how it works. played a few last week on Thursday and won the regular amount. Loved the extra points.NC Lottery
Hi William, thanks for the nice feedback! For Keno Bonus Hours, when you play Keno with added Multiplier at select locations between 5-7 PM on Thursdays in September, any prize that you win will be increased by 50%. Here is a link to all of the Keno Bonus Hours locations: https://nclottery.com/Content/Docs/Keno_Social_locations.pdf.

9/07/2021 08:10 - Daniel J.

Had to buy 6 Big Spins in a row off the same stack before getting one $10 breakeven ticket, ticket, putting me $ 50 in the hole. I"ll wait untill the second chance drawing until I buy anymore tickets.

9/06/2021 07:27 - Shannon R.

Love this game! Reminds me of the game show PrPrice is Right wheel..NC Lottery
Glad you like it, we do too! Good luck!

9/06/2021 02:43 - Dwight T.

I like the Bigger Spin

9/06/2021 02:11 - Linda O.

Love playing second chance

9/06/2021 11:59 - Gloria C.

Thank for all this great informations.

9/06/2021 09:54 - Douglas H.

Very cool new releases. Love this one but especially the new Mystery Crossword and the Halloween one. Thanks for some new fun! Good luck to all :-)

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