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Cleveland County woman wins $2 million, months after $1 million win

January 6, 2023 Posted by NC Lottery at 10:29 AM

Just two months after winning a $1 million lottery prize, Kenya Sloan of Shelby doubled her luck, winning $2 million on a $20 scratch-off.

“I was like, ‘No way this happened again,’” Sloan said. “But it did.”

Sloan, 41, bought her lucky $2,000,000 Diamond Dazzler ticket in October from the Esha Food Mart on South Lafayette Street in Shelby.

“I was just standing there in shock,” Sloan said. “I just feel blessed. That’s all I can say.”

Sloan said it was her first time playing the $2,000,000 Diamond Dazzler game. Her previous $1 million win occurred in August when she played the Carolina Jackpot game for the first time as well.

“I told some of my family members and they couldn’t believe it either,” she said.

When Sloan arrived at lottery headquarters Thursday to collect her prize, she had a decision to make. She could choose to receive the prize as an annuity of $100,000 over 20 years or a lump sum of $1.2 million. She chose the lump-sum amount of $1.2 million and, after required state and federal tax withholdings, took home $855,006.

After her first big win in August, Sloan said she wanted to buy a house. She purchased land and has almost finished building her new home.

Sloan said now she planned to use her winnings to make her dream to open her own soul food restaurant come true.

Ticket sales from scratch-off games make it possible for the lottery to raise more than $2.5 million a day on average for education. The state provided $28.5 million in grants, using money raised by the lottery, to help Cleveland County with school construction. For details on other ways Cleveland County benefits from lottery funds, visit www.nclottery.com and click on the “Impact” section.


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1/10/2023 10:37 - Roger K.

Congratulations on your double win! Wish I could be that lucky! Good luck on opening your restaurant.

1/09/2023 08:44 - Jami R.

Either she has a Golden Horseshoe PLUS an angel in her or she knows someone that knows something. I buy five $30 tickets in a row and NOTHING and this lady plays for the first time TWICE and wins this amount. I’d love for nclottery to put their hand on the good book and swear it’s not rigged or that these people don’t have inside help at winning. You can’t convince me otherwise. Yet my stupid mind keeps telling me today I’m going to win so I keep playing. I’ll find my right mind one day and STOP.

1/09/2023 05:25 - Cecil W.

I believe at the start of any game the lottery could control the regions in which winning tickets are being sent . Sort of like a North ,South ,East and West regions divided equally with with winners. Example 4 grand prizes would be one grand prize per region ..

1/08/2023 05:23 - Jack M.

Blessed super blessed.

1/08/2023 03:49 - PHYLESE M.

Congratulations. I have read that article several times. Am I missing a location of the 2nd win or was it the same location?NC Lottery
Hey there, Phylese! The first win for Ms. Sloan was with a Carolina Jackpot ticket sold at Curve View Express on West Warren Street in Shelby.

1/08/2023 10:48 - Bobby D.

To the lottery people you tell me this every time do not tell this no more give me around about in 2022 numbers of big scratch off tickets were won around Charlotte area tell Mei will be waiting on a answer.NC Lottery
Hey there, Bobby! We don't have a list with that information on-hand, but you are welcome to email your request to player.info@lotterync.net and one of our team members will attempt to find this answer for you. Hope this helps!

1/08/2023 08:59 - Bobby D.

Lottery people when are yall going to quit sending big winning tickets around Charlotte area enough is enough someone needs to investigate.NC Lottery
Hi Bobby, anywhere there are more chances being taken to win—for example Raleigh or Charlotte—the odds will play out more often there over time. You'll have a larger volume of both winning and non-winning tickets in proportion with the odds. That has no effect on the likelihood of a particular ticket winning or not winning a prize, whether it be in a big city or a small town. It has to be that way in order for the lottery to be fair to everyone.

1/08/2023 08:36 - Amy G.

WoW!Two big wins within months of each other! Congratulations!!

1/08/2023 08:33 - Tanisha W.

Congratulations let's rebuild Lawndale area!!!

1/08/2023 08:05 - William A.

That is a little hard to believe she hadn’t scratched one yet. I play half as much as I used to and still manage to play them all.

1/08/2023 06:34 - Berry B.

That is amazing,congratulations to you!!

1/08/2023 04:18 - Sheila M.

That's awesome! You are truly blessed! I hope you fulfill your dreams of opening your restaurant and building your new home!

1/07/2023 09:26 - Shawn S.

Anyone else notice ALOT of the same names appear on 2nd chance winners list also? Guess the “odds” are not in my favor. Had close to 2k entries on one of them and nothing. REALLY makes you wonder. Most I have ever won in the history of this thing is 5k. Spent ALOT MORE then that. Guess I’m the stupid one.

1/07/2023 07:16 - Thomas M.

Been playing for 30 years virginia and north carolina everyday the most I every won was a 100 dollars. Whatever

1/07/2023 03:20 - Albert N.

congrats the lady. i have played lottery at least 25 years up to this time. The most i won is 1000.00 including tax!!!

1/07/2023 11:54 - Mary H.

Congratulations :)

1/07/2023 11:49 - Sheila I.

@ncel. Where was the final Carolina Jackpot won? Thanks NC Lottery
Hi Sheila, the final $1 million top prize for the $10 Carolina Jackpot game was purchased from Energy Mart Stores on Upward Road in Flat Rock, NC. You can read the release on that win here: https://nclottery.com/News/2023/1/3/Henderson-County-man-wins-1-million-on-scratch-off

1/07/2023 10:48 - Sabrina D S.


1/07/2023 09:34 - Larry H.

Good luck with your winning

1/07/2023 09:10 - stephane d.

Congratulations! in Reference to Online PLay, if someone wins over 600 via online play, does the person need to come forward to the office? I ask because online play has all the information you need to make payment!NC Lottery
Hi Stephane, it depends on how much the player wins. If a player wins $600 up to $99,999, they will receive an email and a pop-up on the website and app instructing them to claim online. If they win $100,000 or more, they would be directed to start the claim online and wait to receive a follow-up notification with instructions to claim at an office.

1/07/2023 08:51 - Jonathan P.

Law of attraction at its finest:)

1/07/2023 08:44 - Patricia R.

Congratulations ???? may God continue to bless you

1/07/2023 08:36 - Lisa J.

Wow, yes this is a true blessing, and you are making great investment choices wuth your home, land and restaurant. May you continue to be blessed.

1/07/2023 07:56 - Ricky S.

That scratch off has been out since January of last year and it was her first time buying it in October??? Ummm, ok. lolol

1/07/2023 07:42 - Ralph B.

another way to try to reel in stupid people (like me)no way could that even happened,been scratching 15 years,tired of lottery posting first time ever playing winning million dollars,now winning twice on first try

1/07/2023 06:36 - Christian D.

Wow she wins 2x and i get nothing every time I play

1/07/2023 06:26 - Christian D.

Wow scam no matter how much I play I loose I get nothing and this lady wins 2 times.

1/07/2023 01:48 - Doris D.

Congratulations on your win, wishing you the best on owning your own business.

1/07/2023 01:00 - Eric S.

You are blessed good vibes for 2023 may we all be as fortunate. Congratulations ?? on your amazing Wins!

1/07/2023 12:10 - VICKEY G.

What are the chances ????

1/07/2023 12:06 - Ebony A.

No way..something isn't adding up.

1/06/2023 11:16 - Audrey F.

congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!!! apparently you are sowing good seeds because it is coming back 1000 fold!!! Blessed and highly favored!!! continue to win bae! I love it!!!I'm up next!!!

1/06/2023 11:09 - Michael R.

And yet they won't even let the Quads drop to give back to the Pick 3 and Pick 4 players who contributes to this lottery also

1/06/2023 10:57 - Tatiana D.

Wow, what an amazing story! This lady is really lucky and blessed. Maybe she is a very good person who did something special and kind to others. And she got rewarded. Congratulations!

1/06/2023 10:25 - TIFFANY H.

Congrats! I'm ready for my big win.

1/06/2023 10:17 - John S.

Wow what are the odds of that happening?!

1/06/2023 09:34 - Gina C.

You must have built up a lot of good Karma over the years, and a higher power is smiling down on you.... (: Much Congratulations, Gina C

1/06/2023 09:14 - Mia H.

What a blessing! One of these days.....my blessing is on the way. Congratulations!

1/06/2023 06:50 - Briana W.

It's not luck it's favor. May God continue to bless you, my beautiful queen. Congratulations.

1/06/2023 06:19 - William R.

I've been buying quick pick tickets for various draw games online and the same amount of physical tickets in stores and the physical tickets always seem to win and the online quick picks virtually always lose or only pay out minimum prize. Hmmmmm.NC Lottery
Hi William, every ticket has the same chance of winning whether it is purchased at store or online. It's all a matter of luck!NC Lottery

1/06/2023 05:49 - Travis S.

Congratulations on your winnings!! Looking forward to a nice meal at your restaurant!!

1/06/2023 04:45 - roberta n.

Congratulations Ms. Sloan, I am so happy for you. Now open up that Soul Food restaurant so i may support your new business. Again congratulations!!!!!

1/06/2023 04:11 - MELVIN G.

There's no way on this earth someone can win ttop prizes twice in a matter of months without any inside help. NC Lottery
Hi Melvin, every ticket has the same chance of winning and no one knows where a big winning ticket might be. It takes a lot of luck to win a big prize no matter where you live or how often you play!

1/06/2023 03:41 - natasha a.

And I can't even win 500.00. Good for her. Keep winning

1/06/2023 03:30 - Linda A.

Congratulations, continued Blessings to you! Open the soul food restaurant so I can come eat!

1/06/2023 03:09 - Chris F.

How is this even possible?

1/06/2023 03:05 - William C.

there is luck... then there is this BS.

1/06/2023 02:50 - Kwane B.

U'll be blessing others with jobs, we. Love food!!!!

1/06/2023 12:51 - Mark D.

No way on God’s green earth this wasn’t rigged.

1/06/2023 12:18 - Gail B.

You go girl ??. Glad these winnings will help to bring most of or all your plans you had for yourself to fruition.

1/06/2023 12:11 - Nicole G.

Amazing congratulations

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