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Can’t wait to get your big prize. Lottery offers new way to claim.

April 16, 2020 Posted by NC Lottery at 3:22 PM

If you have a winning ticket of $600 or more, we have created a temporary “Stay At Home” claims procedure as an option if you don’t want to wait till our Claim Centers can reopen to get your prize money.

During the time when the Stay At Home Order is in effect, we have temporarily lifted our policy requiring claimants of prizes $100,000 or greater to claim their prize in person. This temporary change puts public safety first while providing big winners an opportunity to claim their prizes during the Stay At Home Order.

This temporary process offers all winners of prizes of $600 assurance that their ticket has been validated by the lottery before they submit the original ticket via certified mail. This process begins with a call to our Customer Services team. We’ll connect you with a lottery staff person who will work one-on-one with you to walk you through the steps you can take if you want to claim a big prize by certified mail.

Closing our Claim Centers was the right thing to do, but we know it’s been a lot to ask those who have won big prizes to wait to get prizes. Please bear with us as we work through this new process to ensure that your claim is properly processed and in compliance with the N.C. State Lottery Act.

  • How do I get started?

Easy. Just give our Customer Services team a toll-free call at 1 877 962-7529, option 0. You will be connected with someone to walk you through each step. The helpline is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. till 5 p.m.

  • What’s different about the mail-in claim process?

You will be required to take additional steps before mailing in your ticket. As always, first sign the back of your ticket to establish ownership of it. Once you call in, we’ll ask you to email or text a copy of the prize-winning ticket – front and back − along with a copy of a black and white version of a photo ID. After we get those and validate the ticket, we can flag the ticket to prevent someone else from claiming if the ticket is somehow in their possession. Then, we’ll call back and ask you to mail in your signed original ticket and your signed claim form via certified mail.

  • How do I get my prize money?

Once we get your signed original ticket and claim form, we’ll mail back your check back to you via certified mail to the address noted on the claim form. If you won $100,000 or more, you also have the option of getting that money through an electronic fund transfer to your bank or financial institution (this requires you to complete a separate bank form).

  • How long will it take to get my check?

After we receive your original ticket and claim form, expect to get your check within one to two weeks. We are quarantining the mail for 48 hours and then we’ll get right to work processing your claim and mailing your check to you.

  • What happens if my ticket gets lost in the mail?

By using certified mail, you can get tracking and notification for the mail you send us. If it does not arrive, our security team will conduct a review using the information you’ve already provided us. We should be able to establish that you have a valid win and pay the prize.

  • When can I claim my prize in person again?

We’re following the guidelines under the governor’s Stay At Home Order. We look forward to reopening our Claim Centers and meeting winners again in person as soon as that order is lifted. Remember, we are also extending the deadline for claiming any prize that expires during this time until 30 days afterward.



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10/20/2021 11:57 - Caroline M.

I have a thousand dollar winning lottery ticket I want to claim I don't have a banking account but my cousin says I can use hers is that acceptableNC Lottery
Hi Caroline, thanks for your comment! If you have a hardcopy winning ticket that won $1,000, you can bring it in to any regional claims center, our HQ in Raleigh, or you can claim by mail. You will just need a Winner Claim Form for $600 or more, a photo ID verifying your name, age, and signature, and your social security card. For more information on where and how to claim your prize, visit our website here: https://nclottery.com/ClaimPrizes. Hope this helps - congrats on the win!

1/06/2021 08:59 - Brenda T.

Submitted documents and haven't received my winnings since 12/25/2020... I will never play online again.. Customer service takes foreverNC Lottery
Hi Brenda, please visit https://nclottery.com/help where you can call, chat or email customer support to resolve this issue. Thank you.

11/15/2020 06:05 - Thomas G.

On a large payout ticket can I elect to take a portion in cash and a portion in the long term payout option? NC Lottery
Hi Thomas, what you're referring to is called annuity. In general, top prizes of $1 million or more give players the option of receiving their prize in one lump sum or as an annuity amount paid over many years.

5/04/2020 09:56 - sarah w.

Will the NCLottery post whenever they are able to open NC Lottery
Absolutely. As soon as we have a firm date set for when we plan to reopen, we will post an announcement at nclottery.com/Bulletin.

5/03/2020 05:51 - kelly g.

Why can’t you pay out w email? It shouldn’t take 3 weeks to get the money. It’s gambling and we pay for tickets you are still selling. But now you won’t pay out for weeks. That’s wrong. If you so worried about Covid then stop the lottery all together until this is over. There are many other state offices open. The claim center workers are behind glass. Limit the waiting or whatever but to shit them down is basically cheating us out of money we gambled and deserve to be paid. I need my money. NC Lottery
Hi Kelly, we are processing claims as quickly as we can! After we receive an original ticket and claim form in the mail, players can expect to receive their winning check within one to two weeks. We are quarantining the mail for 48 hours and then we get right to work processing each claim and mailing the winning check out. We do have an electronic funds transfer (EFT) option for winners who win a prize of $100,000 or more.

4/23/2020 06:33 - Schmeka w.

North Carolina lottery I have a question do if you win 5,000 on a pick 4 can we send the ticket in by mail along with a copy of I'd n social security cardNC Lottery
Hi Schmeka, If you won a big prize, you can follow the instructions on our "Claim Prizes" page in order to claim. Here's a link: https://nclottery.com/ClaimPrizes

4/23/2020 10:35 - Denver G.

Sorry, I meant to write "the LIFE you save maybe your own".

4/23/2020 10:08 - Denver G.

Thank you NCEL for being "proactive". I for one would rather be safe then sorry. These restrictions are temporary, death is permanent. The death you save maybe your own. By being irresponsible the death you cause maybe that of a loved one. STAY SAFE .

4/23/2020 01:19 - Tim M.

I think Ronald J has a point. When I went to claim my prize back in December, your employees were separated by a glass barrier, not unlike what they've installed in other businesses but obviously more secure. Reminded me of those businesses with bulletproof glass. As for the so-called lockdown, I agree with those who are now protesting. The cure shouldn't be worse than the disease. They're going to bankrupt this state a d this nation! It's hypocritical anyway. Every day I get out. The grocery stores are very busy. The highways are full of traffic. I went to get takeout at a restaurant. People were sitting around waiting for their orders, not observing a y social distancing. Yet buffet restaurants can't operate. What a farce!

4/22/2020 09:21 - Richard D.

Addendum to my prior Comment: What I saw was on the NCEL Mobile App for the next Colossal Cash and Supreme Riches Second Chance Drawing. I just checked my Account on the NCEL Website and those next two Second Chance Drawings do not appear. If possible going forward, could we please see the same information on the NCEL App as we do on the NCEL Website? And kindly insure that all Tickets entered since the prior Drawing are counted as Entries into the next Drawing? Thank you. NC Lottery
Hi Richard, We will share your feedback with our web team. As for your second-chance entries, any entry you submit will only be entered into the drwaing for the current entry period. Entries do not carry over to the following entry periods. If you entered tickets for second-chance entries in this period and did not receive your entries, please reach out to our help team at nclottery.com/Help and someone should be able to take a closer look at your account to figure out what's going on.

4/22/2020 08:34 - Richard D.

Since the last Second Chance Drawings for Colossal Cash and Supreme Riches, I have entered several of each Tickets. Until today, the next Second Chance Drawings for each never appeared in Second Chance History. Today I entered one of each Ticket. I now see the next Drawing for each in Second Chance History with the Drawing Date TBD. The problem is that it only shows that I have 1 Entry for each - only those Tickets that I just entered today. I am not receiving Entries for all the other Tickets I entered since the last Drawing for each. I believe it fair to assume that I am by no means the only one with this problem. Can you please have the IT Team correct this problem so I and everyone else who entered CC and SR Tickets have the full number of Entries since the last Drawing, not just those that we enter from today forward. Thank you.

4/22/2020 07:44 - Patricia B.

Why you all can't still pick second chance drawing and be notified by phone and if you win you all can mail the check or do direct deposit the same way you all doing the big games Just asking please think about it every little bit help...Stay Safe & Be Well.NC Lottery
Hi Patricia. In an effort to protect the health and safety of not only our players, but our employees who would be responsible for conducting these drawings, we have made the decision to postpone our second-chance and Lucke-Rewards drawings until a time when the stay-at-home order is lifted.

4/22/2020 02:57 - Ronald j.

I am curious as to how many people does it take to run the local lottery office in Charlotte! If it is less than 10 people, I do not understand why the office is closed. The workers are secured with a thick glass, please explain. Thank you NC Lottery
Hi Ronald, as a state agency, the NC Lottery has instructed its employees to work remotely whenever possible per the direction of Gov. Roy Cooper and public health officials. If you have a specific question regarding the new claim procedures we are happy to help.

4/22/2020 11:36 - Steve L. P.

What bank documents does one need to have on file before submitting an authorization for an ACH transfer? I won a prize and submitted my personal and account info before I knew you needed more information.NC Lottery
Hey Steve, Please give our Customer Services team a call at 1-877-962-7529 and they can walk you through what you need.

4/21/2020 04:48 - Nicholas R.

This is so smart... Now people can feel easy about mailing their tickets in... Thank you for thinking about us during these unusual circumstances.

4/19/2020 06:07 - Lavonnia I.

I'm angry I brought a $5 20x cash ticket and scratch off 20x now I at least thought it would be 20x $5 it was 20x ! $1 not fair on a $5 ticket

4/18/2020 01:55 - William D.

This is a great move for everyone. But of course there always is a But. Think the transfer for the funds should only be by electronic transfer. Everyone should be happy with this.

4/18/2020 11:18 - HARLAN C.

Where is the list of winners for the 2nd chance winners on Aug. 8 2020?NC Lottery
Hi Harlan, Is there a specific drawing you're looking for? All of our Lucke-Rewards and second-chance draw dates have been put on hold while the state is under a stay-at-home order. We plan to conduct the drawings as soon as possible once the order is lifted.

4/18/2020 10:06 - Beverly R.

The new $10 Win 50 and 100 ticket is a bad deal. If I spend 10 bucks for a ticket I want to have a chance to win more than 100 dollars.

4/17/2020 05:16 - Vincent W.

Since we're commenting, now would be a great time for NC Lottery officials to fix the mistake in the Powerball prize payout....how do you win 4 bucks for the Powerball, and still only win 4 bucks if you have one of the first 5 numbers along with the Powerball number....is it me, or did anyone else ever notice...I'm quite sure Lottery officials have to be aware of this grave injustice to the people supporting the education lottery??? NC Lottery
Hi Vincent. Thanks for sharing your feedback! We will certainly pass your suggestions (thoughts) along. And we understand your disappointment (frustration) in learning about the changes. Please know that currently, like other businesses, lotteries are working to make adjustments to keep Powerball drawings happening every Wednesday and Saturday night and to ensure that the game can continue to support education in N.C. and all the good causes in the 48 U.S. lottery jurisdictions that offer the game.

4/17/2020 11:57 - Tim M.

What will NCEL do if the order is NEVER lifted? What if NC becomes a military police state? I'm not kidding. Look at states like Michigan and Kentucky. People are getting tired of the crap and are now protesting, even forming Facebook groups. Some might say conspiracy theories but just look around you! In the UK, the police want the right to be able to forcefully enter your own home if you have family members over visiting! You tell me the nightmare this is becoming. What if this bankrupts the Lottery and possibly forbids it? What will winners do then?NC Lottery
Like all businesses, we are developing contingency plans in the event our state has to take even more aggressive steps to control the coronavirus outbreak. The lottery will continue to evaluate lottery operations and follow the advice of state and federal officials as we make decisions on operations. We will announce changes on our website and social media channels and through the media when appropriate.

4/17/2020 08:33 - Tevin M.

What if we play our numbers online through the app. What's the process for that? Is it automatically put into our bank account if it's $600 or more. Thanks. NC Lottery
Great question, Tevin. Online Play wins of $600 to $99,999 can be claimed entirely online, but you'll need to complete some additional steps to verify your win. If that happens, you'll receive instructions the next time you log into your account on what needs to be done in order to get your prize. If you win over $100,000 online, we're encouraging folks to call our Customer Services team so they can give you instructions on what to do next in order to claim.

4/17/2020 08:27 - Randy R.

Any idea when the X the cash 2nd chance 1st drawing will be? Seems like if you can mail in winner tickets people are at the office and should be able to do the 2nd chance drawing as well?NC Lottery
Hey Randy, To conduct our Lucke-Rewards and second-chance drawings, several members of our security and audit staff must be together in a small area. To help protect the safety of our staff during this time, we are postponing these drawings. We will conduct them as soon as possible after the Stay At Home order is lifted.

4/17/2020 02:07 - Gladys P.

I was thinking the same thing. It's like the lottery is rigged. When this virus end which How the trips start coming out.NC Lottery
We love when popular numbers are drawn because it means our players win lots of prizes! But we have strict security procedures in place to ensure that every possible combination has the exact same odds of being drawn in each drawing, regardless of if it was drawn yesterday or 5 years ago.

4/16/2020 10:40 - lori j.

Thank you and prayers for everyone’s safety

4/16/2020 03:47 - Michael R.

Well pick 4 winners dont have to worry because since the coronavirus crisis began, nobody is winning with those ugly numbers being drawn . Also dont even expect a trip to be drawn either.

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