July 16, 2020 By NCEL
Phillip Werling of Wake Forest kept his sense of humor after winning a $100,000 Ruby Red 7’s prize, saying the first thing he planned on doing is going to, “splurge for a Happy Meal.”
July 15, 2020 By NCEL
When Roger Hutchens of Mocksville got the phone call from the lottery telling him that he had won $1 million, he thought it was a friend playing a joke on him.
July 15, 2020 By NCEL
Jennifer Broadwell of Raleigh is the winner of the first Power 10s $1 million top prize.
July 13, 2020 By NCEL
A quick stop for gas scored Jonathan Cook of Live Oak, Florida a $750,000 Jumbo Bucks top prize.
July 13, 2020 By NCEL
Sheldon Capps of Hendersonville tried his luck on a Bonus Bucks $5 scratch-off ticket and scored a $200,000 top prize.
July 10, 2020 By NCEL
You can win $200,000 instantly or a membership in Panthers' Fifty 3 Club.
July 10, 2020 By NCEL
Marcus Pitts of Hickory and his wife tried their luck on a few scratch-off tickets and found themselves the lucky winners of a $250,000 top prize.
July 9, 2020 By NCEL
For Annie Hart of Jacksonville, winning a $100,000 prize on a lottery ticket gives her the chance to buy her first home.
July 7, 2020 By NCEL
Charles Ibach III of Indian Land, S.C. tried his luck with North Carolina’s Cash 5 game and hit the $309,629 jackpot in the July 1st drawing.
July 6, 2020 By NCEL
Ashley Tinnin of Roxboro’s 4th of July celebration exploded thanks to her $200,000 Mega Bucks win.